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1 Samuel 11


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Easy Bible・1 Samuel 11

Saul's Victory over the Ammonites


Key Passages

1 Samuel 11:6
When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger.

About this Chapter

In this chapter, Saul, the newly anointed king of Israel, demonstrates his leadership and military prowess by defeating the Ammonites who were threatening the city of Jabesh Gilead. When Saul heard about the Ammonite siege, he gathered an army and led them to victory. The Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul, and he rallied the Israelites to fight against their enemies. Saul sent a message to the people of Jabesh Gilead, promising to come to their aid the next day. The people were filled with hope and waited for Saul's arrival. When Saul and his army arrived, they attacked the Ammonites and completely routed them. The victory was so decisive that the Israelites were filled with joy and proclaimed Saul as their king. This chapter showcases Saul's leadership qualities and his ability to unite the Israelites in times of crisis. It also highlights the role of the Spirit of God in empowering Saul for his task. Saul's victory over the Ammonites marked the beginning of his reign as king and established him as a strong and capable leader.

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