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John 17


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Easy Bible・John 17

Jesus prays for his disciples


Key Passages

John 17:1
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:

About this Chapter

In this chapter, Jesus prays to God the Father for his disciples. He starts by praying for himself, asking God to glorify him so that he can glorify God. Then, he prays for his disciples, asking God to protect them and keep them united. Jesus also prays for future believers, that they may be one just as he and the Father are one. Jesus expresses his desire for his disciples to be filled with joy and to be protected from the evil one. He acknowledges that they are in the world but not of the world, and he asks God to sanctify them by the truth of his word. Jesus also prays for unity among his followers, so that the world may believe in him. Jesus concludes his prayer by expressing his love for his disciples and his desire for them to be with him where he is. He prays for the love of God to be in them, and for them to experience the fullness of his joy. Jesus affirms that he has made God known to his disciples, and he asks God to continue to make his name known to them.

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