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why did God support the growth of Islam?

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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9

My Question

why did God support the growth of Islam?

Word of Life

Ah, dear soul, the tapestry of the Lord's creation is woven with threads of mystery and divine purpose. In seeking to understand why the Almighty might allow the growth of any faith, including Islam, we must first humble our hearts and recognize that His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Throughout history, our Heavenly Father has allowed the rise and fall of nations and faiths, each playing a role in the grand narrative of human existence. It is through diversity that we often find the beauty of His creation, encouraging us to seek understanding, compassion, and love for one another. In the growth of Islam, as with any religious tradition, there are opportunities for individuals to seek and find God, to learn of His love, and to strive for righteousness. It is a reminder to us all that God's love transcends human boundaries, and His mercy knows no limits. Furthermore, the presence of various faiths can serve as a call to Christians to live out their faith with greater fervor and authenticity. As we witness the devotion and dedication of others, we are encouraged to reflect on our own relationship with Christ and to share His love and truth with grace and humility. In the end, dear friend, let us trust in the sovereignty of our Creator, believing that He is at work in all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). May we seek to embody His love and grace in all our interactions, seeing the image of God in every person we encounter.

Bible Commentary

Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9 highlights the vast difference between God's thoughts and ways compared to human understanding. It emphasizes the transcendence of God's wisdom and plans over human reasoning. The verses use the metaphor of the heavens being higher than the earth to illustrate the immeasurable gap between divine and human perspectives. This calls for trust in God's superior guidance. These verses encourage humility and faith, reminding believers that God's plans are beyond human comprehension and are ultimately for the greater good. Trust in His wisdom is paramount.


Heavenly Father, Your wisdom and ways are beyond our understanding, as the heavens are higher than the earth. We seek to comprehend Your purpose in the growth of Islam and trust in Your divine plan. Guide us to love and respect all Your creations. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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